
Doina Todea

Prof. Doina Todea, MD, PhD

Professor Doina Adina Todea is a medical doctor from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is a Pneumologist, being the Head of the Pneumology department and Professor at ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ University of Medicine &Pharmacy. Her fields of interest are respiratory diseases in particularly obstructive bronchitis syndromes, obstructive sleep apnoea, non-invasive ventilation and tabacology, but her main domain is Sleep Medicine, focusing on the management of sleep apnoea through lifestyle intervention combined with therapy. She obtained ELMO certificate in 2022.

She has an extensive practical and academic experience, authoring & co-authoring many articles with impact factor published in international journals, multiple reviews and book chapters in Pneumology domain. She is editor and reviewer for a large variety of articles in the Pneumology field that are published in international journals. Professor Todea is involved in teaching process, mentoring the young doctors and also, she organizes every year The National Workshop of Sleep Medicine and Non-Invasive Ventilation.

She is in the board of Romanian Society of Pneumology, being the president of the Pathophysiology section and an active member of European Respiratory Society, European Sleep Research Society with many courses completed in different countries (France, Germany, Italy) and obtaining degrees in Non-Invasive ventilation, Sleep Medicine, Respiratory Medicine and Health Management.

Detailed CV